19 July, 2019 (This Review was featured on Willow’s Instagram story)

I woke up this morning- Accra time, and I was extremely excited to be blessed with this album, and I’ve decided to pen my thoughts after listening!

Legendary — after turning her back on commercial music (attention-seeking music), Willow Smith has released dope albums: Ardipithecus and The 1st. I loved both albums because of the sheer truthfulness of her piercing lyrics and cleverly layered beats with an experimental demand.

Her new self-titled album “WILLOW” is so beautiful, and Willow expresses her artistry, authentically. In all fairness, Willow isn’t just a singer-songwriter — she’s a teacher, a comforter, a womanist, a naturalist, futurist, a slight mocker of the 21st century and a student of life. All these personas reflect on the album beautifully and innately .  Her musical and intellectual maturity is crystal clear on this album, honestly. “Willow” is sober-but-wiser album

The combination of guitar, strings, drums and voice most of the time creates an awesome feel for easy listening.  The sheer dictatorship in her voice totally takes me out of this sphere and pours me into Willow’s womb-like world, where  I come face-to-face with her intelligently-penned words, poetic! Willow Smith creates lyrics that sinks deeper into your sub-subconscious the more you are exposed to her sound.

The album is occasionally augmented by more genuine reflections and mellow-worthy atmospheric guitar sounds. Slightly up-tempo sounds are perfectly and strategically sprinkled on the album, creating a tapestry of endless beauty.

I love every song on the album: Like a bird, female energy, part 2, Time machine, pretty girlz, Samo is now, then ( interlude), U know, overthink IT.

I love how Willow Smith has creative control over her projects. I love how she creates honest music, I love how she’s growing as a woman and as an artiste. It’s clear she loves what she does, and I love what she does too!
