Instrument: Goje ( Hausa name)
Classification: Bowed string Instrument
Origin: West Africa 
Related instruments: Imzad, Kukkuma 

Description: The Goje is made of a gourd bowl that is covered with snakeskin or lizard skin, and a horsehair string is slung on a wooden bridge.

In the pre-Islamic era, the instruments were used in sehalian rituals which circled around jinn(genie) possessions. These Instruments are really revered because of their link to the spirit world.  The sound of the Goje is featured in prominent musical compositions with other west African stringed instruments, wind and percussion instruments like the shekere, calabash drum, talking Drums etc. The various names by which the goje is known by include goge or goje (Hausa, Zarma), gonjey (Dagomba, Gurunsi), gonje, (Mamprusi, Dagomba), njarka (Songhay), n'ko (Bambara, Mandinka and other Mande languages), riti (Fula, Serer), and nyanyeru or nyanyero.

Click the link below to experience the sound of the Goje:
